
Change casing of file or directory in Git


Renaming already commited files or directories only for casing in Git will be ignored and will not show up as a change you can commit.

Published by Mark van Eijk on November 29, 2022 · 1 minute read

  1. The problem
  2. The reason
  3. The fix (without changing the config)

The problem

Sometimes you encouter the problem that a file or directory does not have the correct case-sensitive name it should have. So you rename the file and change its casing. After this change, Git does not show this and the renaming can't be commited.

So this is not enough:

mv File.php file.php

The reason

Since Git version 1.5.6 there is a setting core.ignorecase that defines if casing should be ignored by default or not. To change the default setting to pick up casing changes, you can run inside the project:

git config core.ignorecase false

Or to disable it completely on your computer, you can set it globally using:

git config --global core.ignorecase false

The fix (without changing the config)

To fix this issue without changing any Git configurations: after you execute the mv command line from before, you also need to tell git that the filename has changed. This can be done by using:

git mv --cached File.php file.php

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